Code of Ethics

GLSS is fully committed to adhere to the highest ethical conducts and values. The GLSS Compliance Department is dedicated to share the code of ethics principles within the organization by assuring that every employee understands the importance of behaving and exhibiting great responsibility, competence and fairness towards each colleague and client.

We believe that organizational success is assured when an organization fully
understands its customer needs and desires.
To this goal, our organizational culture has and will exhibit highest level of integrity, professionalism and fairness. We make sure that every member of our organization
including partners, trainers, auditors and certified professionals act in conformance
with these principles and values. GLSS has built a global presence with a
reputation of excellence and integrity. This is a testimony of our hard work and core
values. Our values “Integrity”, “Professionalism” and “Fairness” are our core elements, which
characterized our growth and helped us to build this strong reputation.

GLSS ’s Code of Ethics describes the values and procedures which are expected from our
employees. We believe that strong ethical values are the prerequisite to a healthy
work environment and foster great working relationships internally and externally.
Every employee is responsible to understand these principles and make sure
that they are implemented successfully in their aspects of operation or for procedures
which are under their competence.
Anyone who is unaware of any procedure mentioned in this document or who needs
a more detailed clarification is encouraged to contact us. It will be our pleasure to
explain any and all of these principles and its implementations in great detail.


GLSS Code of Conduct is applicable to all GLSS Professionals. This includes all certified individuals, clients, partners, trainers, auditors, employees, and other relevant stakeholders. However, if a member violates the premises of ethical behavior, GLSS membership may be
terminated and certifications revoked. Not only is it important for GLSS certified professionals to adhere to the principles expressed in this Code, we believe that a basic Code of Conduct will inspire virtues of human decency and highest professionalism among all coworkers and

GLSS professionals will:

Conduct themselves professionally, with honesty, accuracy, fairness, responsibility
and independence.
2. Act at all times solely in the best interest of their employer, their clients, the public, and the profession by acting in accordance with the professional standards and applicable techniques while performing professional services.
3. Maintain competency in their respective fields and strive to constantly improve their professional skills.
4. Offer only professional services for which they are qualified to perform, and adequately inform clients and consumers about the nature of proposed services, including any
relevant concerns or risks.
5. Inform each employer or client of any business interests or affiliations which might influence their judgment or impair their fairness.
6. Treat in confidential and private manner information acquired during professional
and business dealings of any present or former employer or client without its proper consent.
7. Comply with all laws and regulations of the jurisdictions where professional activities
are conducted.
8. Respect the intellectual property and contributions of others.
9. Not intentionally communicate false or falsified information that may compromise the
integrity of the evaluation process of a candidate for a professional designation.
10. Not act in any manner that could compromise the reputation of GLSS or its certification
11. Fully cooperate on the inquiry following a claimed infringement of this Code of Ethics.


We wholly understand the importance of truthfulness and integrity when establishing
procedures, policies and services. We ensure that all every answer, conduct, recommendation,
suggestion and assistance provided is true and of the highest norm. We attempt to provide
services without prejudice against anyone’s background and preference of any kind.
We believe that employees shall not be driven and dominated only by regulations or
requirements but also by their self-initiative on promoting actions that are ethically right.
We highly condemn sales practices, customer services or product developments that
are governed by inaccurate information or misrepresentation facts.

A Culture of Integrity

When facing any doubt of potential conflict arising from a breach of our Code of Ethics,
GLSS Professionals should ask the following questions:

Do I suspect that the particular course of action may be illegal or unethical?
• In what way am I involved?
• What are the principles or rules infringed?
• Could this action undermine my professional and personal character?
• Does the proposed course of action involve being untruthful and/or unsafe?
• Could the proposed course of action damage GLSS (directly or indirectly) or its
• Does the proposed course of action have a legitimate business purpose, and is there any alternative?

If the proposed course of action fails any of these questions, GLSS Professionals should
seek advice and re-consider the decision. The existence of a problem should never be ignored.


We are fully aware on the importance of impartiality in carrying out our operational activities.
We ensure to treat everybody involved in our business with respect, dignity and fairness.
We have documented structures, policies and procedures to manage impartiality and to ensure that our activities are undertaken impartially and followed by top management commitment.
We analyze, document and eliminate the potential conflict of interests arising from our
certification activities which are structured and managed so as to safeguard impartiality.
Our aim is to inspire and prove confidence in the distribution of our services and products.

Conflict of Interest

Conflicts of interest may arise when a candidate applies for a certification at GLSS, and
has a financial interest or close personal relationship with anyone from the GLSS staff
involved in certification decisions. This principle and procedure applies for all examination
and certification processes.
Conflicts of interest occur if the candidate’s significant interest in a credential certificate
causes bias in the decision and / or reporting of certification activities.
Conflicts may lead to, or be accompanied by, the inappropriate handling and decision
making for the exclusive benefit of the candidate.
In order to identify, minimize, manage conflict of interests, our staff members are responsible
to report circumstances where potential conflict of interests may arise. Then, procedures
for documenting and controlling conflict of interests are initiated.


Information should always be protected, regardless of how it is formed, shared,
communicated or stored. Information can exist in many forms. It can be printed or written on paper, stored electronically, transmitted by post or by using electronic means, shown on films, or spoken in conversation.
Information security is the protection of information from a wide range of threats in
order to ensure business continuity, minimize business risk, and maximize return on
investments and business opportunities.

Our Information Security priorities are:

Strategic and operational information security risks are understood and treated to be acceptable to the organization.
• The confidentiality, integrity and availability of customer information,
product development and all confidential information are assured

Each employee is responsible to provide factually accurate information. Our team is
aware and assures that every information circulated or publicly distributed complies with
GLSS Information Security, Data Protection and Confidentiality policies.
Sensitive information shall never be shared without prior permission of the person who
grants the ownership of the information. All employees shall become aware and respect the
sensitivity factor and impact of information, and therefore, are made accountable for
information that belongs under their roles and responsibilities.


We understand and know how to assess customer needs. Sometimes failures are only perceived as negative outcomes of productivity within a company. However, many great
organizations understand that there is no success without failure. Without identifying
failures, it would be hard to improve an organization.
We ensure that every issue is treated with responsibility and priority. We have implemented
procedures for addressing issues, providing correct feedback, listening to customer’s
concerns and translating every raised issue into an opportunity for continual improvement
and perfection. Our Compliance Team knows how to empathize and communicate in
response to our customer needs. Thus, we are trained to understand and investigate the
root cause of raised issues and provide controls and actions for eliminating them.
Working with ISO Standards, means to follow professional ethical codes. Our team knows
how to analyze, comply and embed international standards requirements into every
procedure. We understand that any violation of our Code and Ethics will bring damaging
consequences on our credibility.
GLSS has put in place an adequate procedure to deal with all forms of complains. This applies
in the event of a complaint or appeal received from customers, certified organizations,
candidates, certified persons, university students and other parties concerned with
the rules, policies, procedures, certification decisions, or overall GLSS operations. This
procedure covers the assessed actions, response, recommendations and the role of the
Appeal Board when reaching a conclusive settlement on account of the appeal.


Every member of our Compliance Team is qualified and aware of the roles and
responsibilities they shall follow in fulfilling the organizational objectives and meeting
customer expectations. In this context, our strategy is primarily focused in detecting
the nature of problems through root-cause analysis and providing solutions with a focus
towards efficiency and satisfaction.
Our Team understands how to address and when to prioritize issues. We have set a clear
definition of the responsibilities that everyone in our organization has in communicating
concepts for establishing a collaborative approach that is important for management
development in a collective manner. Issues or concerns are seen as productive feature for
putting in place preventive measures and controls.
One of our ways to ensure workplace competency is to initiate continual trainings and
awareness sessions by using real-life examples and scenarios. It is our core objective to
make sure that our Team understands the theoretical and practical aspects of management
principles and standard requirements.

Respect and Dignity

Every person must be treated with respect and dignity. No action taken within our
organization shall be discriminatory or offensive, but built upon the norms of
fundamental and universal human rights values. Every person should be respected
and treated equally regardless of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation or
world view. We encourage freedom of speech, expression of opinions and thoughts by cultivating a work environment with a strong emphasis for multicultural awareness and tolerance

Anti-bribery and Anti-Corruption

We are committed in the fight against bribery worldwide, and as such reject
any form of bribery or corruption, direct or indirect, including kickbacks, the use
of funds or assets for any unethical purposes. This categorical rejection of bribery practice also includes the use of other routes or channels for provision of improper benefits from or to customers, partners, associates, and government authorities. In this effort we promote full compliance against anti bribery through local and international requirements such as ISO 37001.

Code of Ethics Evaluation

Being compliant with the GLSS Code of Ethics principles is essential for all GLSS
professionals, including GLSS employees, certified individuals, trainers, auditors, partners,
and other associates. Compliance is included in the performance evaluation of each
stakeholder and continuous monitoring is performed regularly.
Any GLSS Professional who fails to comply with the GLSS Code of Ethics shall be subject
to disciplinary measures which may include the termination of their contract, and in cases
when the impact is severe, legal measures will be followed. In all cases, the author of any
violation shall have the right to be heard and to defend him or her –self before a disciplinary
measure is imposed.

Environmental Awareness

Our organization is aware of the damages and externalities that unconscious human
actions can cause to the natural world. Therefore, we seek to improve our business process
to reach an ideal level of environmental protection and operate in the best way possible

Contact us

Should any witness any breach of GLSS Code of Ethics by GLSS Professionals, we highly encourage you to report it to our Compliance Supervisor at We are committed to investigate each case to the full extent necessary to ensure highest ethical standards.

Version: 1.3 | Revised: 14-05-2022

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